Sunday, April 26, 2015

Black on Black is Not a Crime

White on White Crime
I am so disturbed by the phrase “Black on Black Crime.” I hate when it is thrown out as an excuse for Police Brutality and Wannabe Police Brutality, but I am equally pained when those opposing the ridiculous argument use the same disparaging terminology. There is no such thing as Black on Black Crime, any more than there is white on white crime, brown on brown crime, or blue on blue crime. They do not exist, so why do African Americans embrace this expression to either agree or disagree with its contentious and conjured merit? Can we please take a collective deep breath and stop going along with America’s subliminal racist tactics to continue blatant racism hidden in plain sight?

Black on Black should be celebrated, applauded and admired. Black on Black is love, community, pride and power. I refuse to allow commentators, hate groups and apologists to define my heritage, ancestry and seed as criminal. My children and their children; my parents and grandparents; my ancestors who bore stripes, nooses, hoses, bars, chains, electric chairs and bullets were far from criminal. The sacrifice, toil, and unadulterated hate that was heaped upon them without ceasing did not give them rise to give in. They built a nation on their backs without recompense, without apology, without acknowledgement. We are a resilient people who believe in survival, not for self but for generations to come. There is nothing criminal in that.

Militarized Police
Please do not get middle class comfortable and forget from where we come and how far we have yet to travel. Police officers are given carte blanche to detain, arrest, and murder black bodies. Wearing a hoodie, listening to loud music, playing/holding toy guns in an open carry state, being big, suffering mental illness, being homeless, driving, running, bicycling, walking, complying, just being are all sufficient reasons for the police to beat, tase, and shoot African Americans to death justifiably in a court of law. This does not take into account the countless hours of harassment endured, tickets levied, fines paid, and years of imprisonment imposed on the innocent. White on Black Crime would be far more accurate historically and present day.

When Black on Black Crime is brought up to excuse organized criminal activity by those charged with protecting and serving the African American community; retort with the phraseology and statistics of “White on White Crime”; ask for a definition of the term forcing them to unpack the racist, convenient and meaningless catchphrase; or explain what Black on Black means to you – innocence, resilience, love, strength, pride and power. Black on Black is harmonious, humorous, ingenious, inspirational and amorous. I’m so glad you brought up Black on Black because that is me guilt free, seeking liberty in the midst of a Red, White and Blue on Black Crime Spree.

Beautiful Black on Black Family

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